• Addressing Transactional Development

    The purpose of development is to close the gap between demands and abilities. Professional gaps are fluid for Airmen due to frequently changing titles, duty locations, ranks and personal goals. The Air Force attempts to provide baseline skills through training and professional military education,

  • My vacation to Moore, Okla.

    I was on vacation in Oklahoma at the end of May, to visit family. My wife and I were actually looking forward to a change in climate and the potential for some thunderstorms, but were not expecting what would come May 20. I grew up in central Oklahoma, in the areas directly affected by the recent

  • 'An Innovator's DNA:' Col. John Boyd

    Surprisingly, few Airmen have heard of Col. John Boyd, with far fewer aware of his innovative contributions to the advancement of modern-day air power. As the month of May closes and the Air Staff feverishly reviews the thousands of innovative ideas submitted by young Airmen, I thought it

  • Texting while driving

    According to a 2010 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration study, there were over 448,000 motor vehicle crashes that involved driver distraction, and 38 percent of those were caused by people texting while driving.Although cell phone usage has improved our accessibility, it has also proven

  • From Hunter 1: Getting back to the basics and charging onward ...

    As 2010 comes to a close, we have the holidays to look forward to and the beginning of a new year. Recently, I've spent some time reflecting on this past year and am simply amazed what we are doing to ensure sons, daughters, mothers and fathers are reunited with their loved ones. We currently have a

  • 101 Critical Days of Summer begins

    Every year about this time, we start to hear about the 101 Critical Days of Summer. Most of us hear those words and think "oh great, another day of briefings." However, I'd like to give you a better understanding of why we safety guys focus on the 101 Critical Days of Summer and why that's a good

  • Don't Go to Mexico...Right Now

    Mexico is an amazing place. As far as I'm concerned, they have amazing cuisine. If I had to choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, I'd choose Mexican food. Mexico also has amazing history. The ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations were remarkably ahead of their time, and they left

  • Finding Yourself: Have You Googled Yourself Lately?

    In today's internet and information-driven world, many of us take for granted how much information is literally a few keystrokes away. For example, if you're craving Ethiopean food but aren't sure where to find some, it's as simple as opening up Google and typing "Ethiopean restaurants in Las

  • From Hunter 1: Thank you and continue to press forward

    The end of another year is upon us. Thanksgiving has come and gone, and we're staring down Christmas and a New Year of saving lives overseas. In this time of celebration, I want to take a few minutes to thank you for what you have accomplished in 2009.You have flown or supported the flying of over

  • COMACC Holiday Safety Message 2009

    Fellow Airmen,The holiday season gives us the opportunity to spend time with family and friends, reflect on the past year, and look forward to future opportunities. It is a time to remember those currently deployed around the world preserving peace and freedom. This year, as you take the time to