COMACC Holiday Safety Message 2009

  • Published
  • By Gen. William M. Fraser III
  • ACC commander
Fellow Airmen,

The holiday season gives us the opportunity to spend time with family and friends, reflect on the past year, and look forward to future opportunities. It is a time to remember those currently deployed around the world preserving peace and freedom. This year, as you take the time to celebrate the holidays, I hope you will join me in keeping those members of our Air Force and Joint team in your thoughts and prayers.

Fiscal year 2009 was one of the safest years in the history of Air Combat Command, made possible by your continued commitment to safety in all that you do. With the New Year just around the corner, I challenge you to continue this trend in 2010 in order to protect our most valuable resource -- our people! I encourage you to make the tenets of safety a central theme -- commitment to safety and risk management are a way of life in Air Combat Command.

Finally, we have a responsibility to ourselves and each other to take care of our families, co-workers, and fellow Airmen. Spend time talking with your subordinates and friends and help them make sound decisions. Wingmen need to step up and ensure that the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness of fellow Airmen are strong and intact. I don't want to lose a single Airman this holiday season for any reason. I am looking forward 2010 and to serving with each of you.

Bev and I wish you and your family a very happy holiday season and a prosperous New Year!