About Public Affairs

The 432nd Wing Public Affairs mission is to provide trusted counsel to leaders; build, maintain and strengthen Team Creech morale and readiness; and build and enhance public trust and support.

PA works to strategically shape 432nd Wing and 432nd Air Expeditionary Wing's public image through targeted communication with our internal audience, the American public, and military and civic leaders. PA's duty is to keep base members and local civilians informed with complete and accurate information, and to increase public understanding of Team Creech missions.

PA relies on three sections to complete daily tasks: Media Relations, Community Engagement and Command Information.

Media Relations
Items include interviews, visits, or queries need to be coordinated through the 432nd Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs Office.
Please fill out this form for a media request and send via email, 432wg.pa@us.af.mil.
Airmen approached by media, please contact a Public Affairs representative immediately for their awareness. 
Community Engagement
Events can include, but are not limited to, base tours, speaking engagements, sporting events, and professional, technical, or educational opportunities.  Requests are supported on a case-by-case basis pending mission requirements, and some requests may require Major Command or higher-level coordination prior to approval. 

To request a...
Command Information

Serves as the voice between the commander, and their programs, to the Airmen. Either through news/feature stories, imagery, videos or social media. To stay up-to-date on the Wing's initiatives and advancements, follow Twitter and the news page on this website. 

To request a marquee graphic, please fill out an Air Force Form 833 Marquee and Marquee Request Form CAO and then turn in via email.

Photo and Journalism Services
To request photo or journalism support, please complete the highlighted sections of AF Form 833, sign and date section 24, then turn in via email. 


For questions or information about Public Affairs, call DSN 384-1634 or commercial 702-404-1618, or email 432wg.pa@us.af.mil. Normal Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Studio Photography

Studio Photos
A photo is categorized as "official" if it meets any of the following requirements: if an individual is required to have one on file by Air Force Instruction; if the photo is for an award (wing-level or above), or if the photo is for special duty packages. For special duty packages, please bring a copy of the photo requirements.

To get a studio photo taken, call DSN 384-1618 or commercial 702-404-1618, or email 432wg.pa@us.af.mil with AF Form 833 Studio filled out.

All photos will be emailed within 3 business days.

Special circumstance/shift workers: contact PA for availability