CREECH AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. -- Airmen from the 432nd Wing donated wrapped gifts to staff from Indian Springs Schools, Dec. 14, 2018, in appreciation for the local community’s support to the base.
The gifts were purchased and wrapped by volunteer Airmen, and will be later hand-delivered to students’ families by members of the Creech Fire Department and Santa Claus himself.
Kimberly Guerino, Indian Springs Schools Registrar, and Kelly Miles, Indian Springs Schools counselor, were on hand to accept the gifts from Col. Julian Cheater, 432nd WG/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing commander and the Human Performance Team staff.
Guerino said this is the seventh year the Hunter Family has donated gifts to the local community.
“The gifts are life-changing,” she said. “We’ve received gifts for 700 to 800 children over the years and some of these kids wouldn’t have a present on Christmas morning without them. The Airmen are making life-changing memories with them.”
Cheater expressed his thanks to the Airmen volunteers and coined key contributors who organized the solicitation, collection and wrapping.
“Our Airmen are very generous,” Cheater said. “What they do here is a serious job, and to take time out and help those in the local community is a privilege. It’s inspiring to me personally to see folks going out of their way to make sure that our local kids here have a great holiday season.”
In addition to the gifts donated by Creech Airmen, Indian Springs Schools staff and faculty provide families with Christmas breakfast baskets.
To find out how you can help, please contact Kimberly Guerino at